We need #AntiracistKidLit

Children need #AntiracistKidLit
“Children need #AntiracistKidLit” graphic was compiled and designed by Lark Sontag —she is a Children’s Book Author and #AntiRacistKidLit Advocate. Please reference this site, when using this graphic. Antiracist is a verb!

They are not too young, to listen, read, and learn about stories that combat racism. There is no such thing as apolitical books. All books are political. Non-racist books support the status quo. From the above studies, it is clear that diversity alone is not working. The enslavement of Black people was a diverse enterprise. This is the time now to stand up and pick the side of justice and to be actively antiracist in all our practices, included our practices with young children.

They are not too young, to listen, read, and learn about stories that combat racism. There is no such thing as apolitical books. All books are political. Non-racist books support the status quo. From the above studies it is clear that diversity alone is not working. The enslavement of Black people was a diverse enterprise. This is the time now to stand up and pick the side of justice and to be actively antiracist in our all our practices, included our practices with young children.

They are not too young, to listen, read, and learn about stories that combat racism. There is no such thing as apolitical books. All books are political. Non-racist books support the status quo. From the above studies it is clear that diversity alone is not working. The enslavement of Black people was a diverse enterprise. This is the time now to stand up and pick the side of justice and to be actively antiracist in our all our practices, included our practices with young children.

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